Latest Episodes
Episode 6: Holy Week Music
As lent nears its end, I have really been focused on gratitude and its relationship to humility. I’ve gotten rid of a few things...
Episode 6: Holy Week Conversation
Part 3 of 4 Holy Week is a complicated and fast moving time. As Jesus moves towards the cross, we move with him. In...
Episode 5: Behind The Conversation
Our Lenten journey continues! Here we are in the middle of the wilderness! What do we do now? In this latest episode of Behind...
Episode 5: Meditation
During your Lenten journey, take some time to check in with your internal sound. Erika invites you to discern the difference between the internal...
Episode 5: Music
This week’s song is about finding hope and strength in the times of wilderness. As we are in the Lenten season, we are in...
Episode 5: Conversation
Part 2 of 4The wilderness can be uncomfortable. It’s not always fun to be challenged. But Lent gives us an opportunity to hear the...