Latest Episodes
Episode 8: Earth Day Meditation
You are invited to a standing meditation for this moment. From a grounded, solid foundation feel yourself rise like a tree that anchors its...
Episode 7: Easter Meditation
As you celebrate this joyful time, you are invited to envision the essence of a smile radiating from your feet to the top of...
Episode 7: Easter Music
This song was written as a hope to come. It is actually about preparing to change. The truth is in the verse. It’s a...
Episode 7: Easter Conversation
Part 4 of 4 After 6 weeks of fasting, preparing, and reflecting through Lent we have made it to Easter. The day of HOPE...
Episode 6: BTC on The Cross
The cross is humanity’s ugliness on full display and also God’s love on full display. For this Behind the Conversation episode, Chelsea and Dana...
Episode 6: Holy Week Meditation
As you enter Holy Week, the journey to the cross has begun. Like the lotus flower, you will be in the mud and darkness...