Welcome to season 7 of The Collective Table Podcast, Sermon Podcast Hour!
During this season Rev. Chelsea, Dana and Rev. Claire are going to interview some of our favorite preachers about a sermon they have given. These sermons will be following the lectionary calendar from Epiphany all the way until Easter. In the various episodes, not only will you hear clips from the sermon and you will also hear the follow-up conversation with the preacher!
On today's episode, Dana & Rev. Claire are joined by Alma Tinoco-Ruiz to discuss a sermon she gave on Lent, Jesus, wounds, and healing. You can listen to or read her sermon here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/JpiI2Ge/AlmaTCT
Professor Tinoco Ruiz is a practical theologian whose work centers on the intersection of homiletics, pastoral care, and evangelism. Throughout her ministry, she has witnessed that most preachers are poorly equipped to respond to the traumatic injuries marginalized and oppressed communities experience. In contrast, she sees in the sermons of Saint Óscar Romero a profound response to the traumatic injuries the marginalized and oppressed people of El Salvador were experiencing during the years he was the archbishop of San Salvador (1977-1980). Influenced by Saint Romero’s preaching, Professor Tinoco Ruiz is exploring how preachers can effectively address the trauma experienced by marginalized and oppressed communities, particularly the community of undocumented immigrants from Latin America in the United States. She completed her Th.D. thesis on "Óscar Romero's Theological, Hermeneutical, and Pastoral Framework for Preaching to Traumatized Communities." Her publications include essays in the International Journal of Homiletics, Predicación con Impacto: Preparación y Presentación de Mensajes Bíblicos, The Christian Century, and Duke Divinity School’s DIVINITY magazine. Professor Tinoco Ruiz was awarded the Denman Fellow of the Foundation for Evangelism (FFE) in 2016, the Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE) Doctoral Fellowship in 2019, and the Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI)/Lilly fellowship in 2020. She is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church.
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Welcome to season 7 of The Collective Table Podcast, Sermon Podcast Hour! During this season Rev. Chelsea, Dana and Rev. Claire are going to...