Welcome to season 7 of The Collective Table Podcast, Sermon Podcast Hour!
During this season Rev. Chelsea, Dana and Rev. Claire are going to interview some of our favorite preachers about a sermon they have given. These sermons will be following the lectionary calendar from Epiphany all the way until Easter. In the various episodes, not only will you hear clips from the sermon and you will also hear the follow-up conversation with the preacher!
On today's episode, Rev. Chelsea & Rev. Claire are joined by Rev. Denyse Barnes to discuss a sermon she gave during Lent last year. You can listen to or read her sermon here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/9dcJKTx/DenyseTCT
Rev. Denyse Barnes is the Director of Justice and Compassion Ministries at the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. She holds a degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from Coventry Technical College in the United Kingdom and a Master of Divinity from Claremont School of Theology. She married Deborah Levinson on Aug. 1, 2020 and, when not working, can be found with her dogs, Sheldon, Jiminy and Mozzie at the beach or in the park.
Purchase the Queer Bible Commentary that Denyse recommends here: https://www.wjkbooks.com/Products/9780334060789/the-queer-bible-commentary-second-edition.aspx
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