Over the last four weeks, Chelsea, Claire, and Dana have offered weekly reflections on the themes of Advent: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. These themes connect to the traditional Scripture readings that are presented throughout the Advent season and remain consistent from year to year.
Today, we celebrate the coming of Christ - God-With-Us, Emmanuel - on Christmas Day. Listen as Chelsea reflects on the Christmas story.
Watch Chelsea's favorite Eat N' Park Christmas commercial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3NhDtfZmd0
Learn more about the history of Advent at the links below:
In this episode, Dana and I sit down with Angie Hong, a Korean American board-certified music therapist, pianist, vocalist, songwriter, worship leader, writer, and...
This Advent season, join The Collective Table Podcast each weekday of December for a special reflection led by Jenell Coker. Each week, the reflections...
This song is about trying to listen to God and be still in the midst of the constant noise. Whether that noise is coming...